Thursday, October 29, 2009
It's been awhile

Thursday, April 23, 2009

This is it! Today is my senior art show! And for all you special ones that aren't able to make it, here is a sneak peek before the show even opens! I love you all and thanks for all of your encouragement! also, read my thesis statement, it will explain the pictures. The accordion books on the wall are experiences that I have had in my hometown, good and bad, that I have learned from. Enjoy!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
AHH it's nearing!

Monday, March 30, 2009
Spring Formal 09....my last one!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Random Day!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Random Art Day!

I haven't posted in awhile

Thursday, February 26, 2009
A little something I am proud of...:-)

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Gone to Nashville in My Mind
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Annie Leibovitz: My Current Inspiration

Currently, Annie works for Vanity Fair as a contributing photographer. Her latest work was a series of pictures of famous movie stars and their directors. This one was very intriguing considering that Heath Ledger and his director, Christopher Nolan, from The Black Night are not even in the same picture here. Annie used the power of lovely technology to include both of these wonderful people into one photograph to add to her collection. Guys she is amazing! Okay, so she added him in, I am capable of that, but her career and her work is out of this world.
I have been reading her book and it starts out, "When I started my first job at Rolling Stone..." I am in awe! How lucky would it be to be there when Rolling Stone began and see something like that grow? How lucky would it be to find a great job right out of school for my photography? lol.
But as I was reading today what it means to be a photographer through the mind of Annie, KET caught my eye when I saw Buckingham Palace on there, so I paused for a moment to see what was going on. It just so happened that it was the 15 minute photo shoot of Queen Elizabeth that Annie conducted! It was fabulous! I had no idea that the Queen got agitated at Annie when she asked her to remove her crown to take away some of the formality! She even stormed out! You will have to check it out on BBC!
But anyways, this is what is really inspiring me right now, so you will probably be hearing more about ole Annie Leibovitz!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
So I'm Freaking Out..
I uploaded all my pictures that I edited from my London/Dublin trip today to get a grade in my class. You can check those out at http://www.flickr.com/adamitchell. Some are really exciting for me. I was a little disappointed in the way a lot of my pictures turned out and I can't figure out what went wrong... But anyways, I also added some pictures from projects I had last semester. The ones that I gave Daddy for Christmas of Capitol Arts and Fountain Square Park are on there as well for all you Scottsvillians. :) a little taste of close to home. Anyways, we had pledge party tonight and I am pooped and tomorrow night we are going to a hockey game. I know in a few short months I will be missing these nights so much and I feel like they are going by so fast! I DON'T WANT TO GROW UP!
By the way, I added a new blogging friend tonight! Ivana Clay! Thanks so much for the cute theme that was on your blog that I stole the idea of the place where you got it from! They are too cute! Plus, I love your blog, your kids are precious!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
The Fruits of My Labor And Your Neglect...

And here I am with my loveliest of friends on Chapel Day ready to get our new girls. It was definitely worth all the stress and everything I went through (laptop breaking, car not working, phone not working, etc.). Enjoy!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
A Beautiful Place

And this is where we went today. A beautiful seaside port called Howth. Oh my goodness it was beautiful. I broke away from the crowd today and got some time to myself. This was so nice. I took pictures, walked out on a beautiful pier, met an old Irish man named Bernard and his dog Woody...only after Woody ripped my coat! Don't fear! He was a nice dog, just really excited and jumping and playfully biting. Bernard pointed me towards a place where I could get the most breathtaking views and a cutting edge over the rest of the students in my class..an old radio tower up on a cliff. It was gorgeous!

Friday, January 2, 2009
All You Need is love....da da dadada
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Two Days Down and A Happy New Year!

After Stonehenge, we headed towards Bath, an ancient city that looks like Rome because the Romans were the first to come to this country. IT WAS BEAUTIFUL! We went to the Roman Baths were the people used to come and bathe for healing and just general purposes in the sulfur water. Yummy. lol. Anyways, it was very pretty and so was the town. Jane Austen used to live there and we met an awesome man who was standing outside of her house who told us that Johnny Depp and Nicholas Cage both had houses there. I decided I wold probably be the 3rd Kentuckian to have a house there. :)
At Garfunkel's in Bath, England. This is Brenton Curry, Me, Cathy Frank, and Darrell my professor. The most normal food I had had yet..lemon and herb chicken, chips (french fries), and vegetables. Chips are served with everything and I am getting pretty tired of them!
On the way back from Bath was some of the best sleep. After we got back we chilled in our rooms for acouple of hours and ordered pizza from Pizza Hut...really funny while we are overseas...oh but no surprise it didn't taste the same. When we got ready to go out, we headed to Trifalgar Square which is kind of like Times Square. The crowds were so crazy, on the Tube and on the streets that we were like sardines. At one point we were walking on a layer of McDonald's fries and boxes. When we ended following the crowds, it had taken us to the Riverside instead of Trifalgar because of overflow. It was so crazy trying to get through but we finally made a mad rush when they released the crowd and got great seats to see the fireworks next to some high school students who were really fun to talk too. The fireworks were the prettiest I had ever seen. When the clock striked twelve, nothing really happened. lol. We wanted cheering and music but the fireworks just kept going, so we circled in a group and sang the new year's song (or at least hummed it) and felt pretty American.
After the fireworks was the most exhausted I had been for it took 2 hours to walk home. No tube or anything. And there was glass and drunk people all over. It was nasty and I was very tired. But after we got back we met up with some people in our class and hung out for a bit and then went to sleep. It was a good fun filled day and a happy new year! Mama and Daddy you would be happy to know that I told every English person I met last night that they should eat cabbage, hog jowl, and blackeye peas for health, wealth, and happiness.
And so this morning we didn't have class until 12:30 which was really nice because of the new year's celebration but after that we set out on our Museum day which was amazing! First we went to Tate Modern Art Museum where I saw Picasso, Monet, Rothko, and Pollock all in one room! Talk about overwhelming! I just told Brett that you would expect those to have a room to themselves but they were all there next to each other! I also got to see some Roy Lichtenstein and Paul Cezanne.
Then we walked to the National Portrait Gallery which made me so happy because I got to see Annie Lebowitz Exhibition was there!! It was so amazing to actually see her potraits up close and in such large form! If you aren't sure who she is, she is a famous portrait photographer who took pictures for Rolling Stone and Vanity Fair for many years..such people as Demi Moore (maternity pics), Arnold Schwarznegger, Johnny Depp, John Lennon and Yoko Ono, and many others are in her pictures, even Richard Avedon whom is another famous photographer of this time period which is really ironic she got pictures of him. It made me laugh. :)
But the best part of the day came after we ate pasta and headed towards the Apollo Theater where I saw Wicked for the first time!!! I LOVED IT! If you are a Wizard of Oz fan at all, you need to see this show! I was amazed at how extravagant the scenes and setting were and also the costumes! Plus I just downright love witch stories! You know I am a witch guru. :) This could have quite possibly beat out Hocus Pocus.And so after that part of the night was over, me George, and Liz headed to Big Ben to take pictures at night. Here is the picture I came over here for and I am very happy to have it now. Anyways, it is very late and I have to get up very early tomorrow! Hopefully going to see Abbey Road and other things such as. Goodnight and I love you all! Happy New Years! Eat some cabbage, hog jowl, and blackeye peas for me!