Thursday, February 26, 2009

A little something I am proud of...:-)

So for my Experimental Advertising class, our project is to market a musician or band at a public transportation bus stop and on the side of the bus.  This is project is right down my alley as this is my dream job! So I just wanted to show you what I have come up with for my little friend, John Mayer! :) I'm working on two different designs and I would have showed you the other one but it didn't work but this one is better anyways! Enjoy!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Dreaming of Spring Break....3 more weeks!!!

Spring Break
Gulf Shores, Alabama 2008
Photos By: Ada Beth Mitchell :)

These are posted because of the snow that I woke up to this morning covering the ground and pouring out of the sky! AHHH! spring come already!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

For the Guitar Lovers in my Life :)

Aren't these beautiful? I bet they are super smooth.

Gone to Nashville in My Mind

Well I decided last week that I wanted to start taking the steps to being a grown-up and made an appointment with the Calling and Career Center on campus.  I was really nervous but I took my pretty copy of my resume and headed there to figure out the next steps.  Come to find out, the meeting was not that bad! Robin made me feel like I was really worth something and I had accomplished something over the past four years of my life! I became really excited even with all of the changes I have to make to my resume... :-/ lol.

The question of the day though was the most interesting and I knew what my answer was going to be. "Is there a certain place you would like to relocate after college?" I smiled as she asked this question because this was one sure thing I knew. I want to go to Nashville and so I told her.  Nashville holds so much potential for me I feel.  I love the proximity of home in relation to Nashville and I also love the city! I am a music fanatic and also ready for design in a big city! My dream job would be to do album labels for a record company or music posters.  Nashville is calling me! 

So then Robin gave me hope by telling me she could help me in this area and we would start searching alums in this area for me to get a hold of and maybe try to get an informational interview with them.  I became very excited also when she gave me a packet on relocating to Nashville.

But as all good things are: they don't come soon enough and so now I sit and I dream.  I search diligently for jobs and sometimes I look at apartments.  Melinda and Lindsey have thought about Nashville as well so it is fun to dream of us living together in West End!  

So in the meantime, I am working very hard on my Senior Show.  I was very excited last night when I had another burst of brain power and more came flooding out of my head onto paper.  I am so ready for this to get rolling again.  I am going to be scheduling more interview/photo sessions next week with people from home again and I am very excited! While I am waiting for that I am searching for images and starting my accordion books that will be included in my show.  I am very excited for what this has in store for me in the next few weeks before Spring Break! Hopefully you are excited too! 

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Annie Leibovitz: My Current Inspiration

Recently I had the great opportunity in London to see the photographic works of Annie Leibovitz, one of my favorite photographers who focuses on portraits of celebrities. I bought her book, "Annie Leibovitz At Work" and have been researching a lot on her works to get inspired for my Senior Show since I am doing portraits.

Currently, Annie works for Vanity Fair as a contributing photographer. Her latest work was a series of pictures of famous movie stars and their directors. This one was very intriguing considering that Heath Ledger and his director, Christopher Nolan, from The Black Night are not even in the same picture here. Annie used the power of lovely technology to include both of these wonderful people into one photograph to add to her collection. Guys she is amazing! Okay, so she added him in, I am capable of that, but her career and her work is out of this world.

I have been reading her book and it starts out, "When I started my first job at Rolling Stone..." I am in awe! How lucky would it be to be there when Rolling Stone began and see something like that grow? How lucky would it be to find a great job right out of school for my photography? lol.

But as I was reading today what it means to be a photographer through the mind of Annie, KET caught my eye when I saw Buckingham Palace on there, so I paused for a moment to see what was going on. It just so happened that it was the 15 minute photo shoot of Queen Elizabeth that Annie conducted! It was fabulous! I had no idea that the Queen got agitated at Annie when she asked her to remove her crown to take away some of the formality! She even stormed out! You will have to check it out on BBC!

But anyways, this is what is really inspiring me right now, so you will probably be hearing more about ole Annie Leibovitz!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

So I'm Freaking Out..

So I really am because yesterday I sat in my Senior Thesis class and discussed what all had to be done before my art show in April! (April 23 by the way, everyone should come) and then after that, I went to a Senior Start Program where they told me I was a slacker because of all the stuff I hadn't done yet to find a job! Ah! The economy and finding a job at the same time is freaking me out! I think these senior things are not motivating me but making me realize that the next 6 months of my life are going to be really hard! I just want to enjoy them and enjoy this last year to really be carefree! But it's impossible! Everyone told me that I should go to college and that would help me get a better job but no one told me all of this other stuff! LOL. Okay, so really I am just lazy and scared but it is seriously a crazy deal for me right now!

I uploaded all my pictures that I edited from my London/Dublin trip today to get a grade in my class. You can check those out at Some are really exciting for me. I was a little disappointed in the way a lot of my pictures turned out and I can't figure out what went wrong... But anyways, I also added some pictures from projects I had last semester. The ones that I gave Daddy for Christmas of Capitol Arts and Fountain Square Park are on there as well for all you Scottsvillians. :) a little taste of close to home. Anyways, we had pledge party tonight and I am pooped and tomorrow night we are going to a hockey game. I know in a few short months I will be missing these nights so much and I feel like they are going by so fast! I DON'T WANT TO GROW UP!

By the way, I added a new blogging friend tonight! Ivana Clay! Thanks so much for the cute theme that was on your blog that I stole the idea of the place where you got it from! They are too cute! Plus, I love your blog, your kids are precious!